Sunday, 27 February 2005

I am my Dancing Queen!!!

Hey hey... There's something wrong with the flooble chatterbox. So sad... Was reading my friends' blogs, then saw GK's tagboard got problem, fred's tagboard also got problem, same goes for mine. Soooooooooo sad... Hmph Hmph Hmph!!!
Haha... Today's a Saturday, went for my dance practice as usual. There were only 2 other students there. Was a little shocked to see that, but it doesn't really matter that much. Actually, it's better in a way as mdm gan would pay more attention to us. Haha... She was a little angry today because we forgot one of the dances that she had put aside in order to let us learn new dances, which she happened to ask us to dance that today. Ha... I remembered most of it, just that my timing is not that accurate. Oops... Haha...
Mdm Gan just told me that she hoped that I will get an 'Outstanding' for my dance exam this year. She trust that if i attend most of the practices, i will be able to get an 'outstanding'. Haha... not sure about that myself. She also asked if i could come for practices earlier so that i can sort of teach or correct the other dancers in my class who still need to improve. When she told me to teach them one of the dances that i don't really dance well enough, i gave her the ha.. ha.. look and she said that i can improve while helping them. Hmm... Mdm Gan actually hopes that i will be able to continue dancing and end up teaching chinese dance. She had once said that the number of people who are learning chinese dance is depleting, and she hoped that we will continue to learn so as to help to propagate chinese dance. She has high expectations for me, i hope that i will not disappoint her but... haha... i'm such a lazy person. If i'm willing to be more hardworking, i will be able to dance very well, but i'm just so lazy. Haha... same goes for studying. I'm just so lazy.
Cats are lazy creatures. Haha...
2 days to release of 'o' results... *shiver*
miaow miaow

Saturday, 26 February 2005

Boo... today's a crying day

Ha... Like what i had said earlier, today's a crying day. Haha... I went to college as usual, but i skipped some lessons, which made me feel quite guilty. But i just wasn't in the mood to study, so what's the point of going since i won't be paying attention to the lessons? Still, i felt guilty. This is part of the reason why today's a crying day. I feel very guilty!!! I kept thinking of my parents' reaction if they got to know what i was doing. I'm such a disappointment! After so much that they had done for me, I'm like, you know...

Hmm... then after that, we made our way to the site we stayed for quite some time the other day. I went to BK to buy something to eat and asked them to go along and not wait for me because i don't like it when they wait for me, makes me feel bad. Then when i reached the bus interchange, they were still there waiting for the bus, so i joined them in the queue. I was having stomachache at that point of time, very painful. It happens sometimes and I will have to get used to the pain. It's really painful especially when you're moving, walking etc. Took some time to adjust when i sat down.

Then everyone went to play pepsi cola while i sat there with sup. We started chatting again, and i got to know more about her. I think that she's a very selfless girl, too selfless. Think that she should be less selfless. She's like worrying about everyone else except herself, caring so much about others. She's a nice girl, so don't let me catch any of you bullying her okay... or else... hmph! She told me some things about her friend, which i don't think i should reveal, and she was very sad about it. Poor girl, she started crying again. Seeing her cry made me felt like crying too, so I cried too. But i don't really know why i cried. I think there's too many things bottled inside, then it just comes out naturally. I have to thank her for making me cry because i had actually wanted to cry some time ago, but i just couldn't make myself do it. Seriously, thanks to you, Sup!

We're getting back our results on monday. Wonder how are my results. Just hope that they're not disappointing. Hopefully, i'll be crying due to the fact that i'm overwhelmed by my results and not that i'm too disappointed with my results. Haha... Good luck to all of you out there!

Miaow Miaow

Friday, 25 February 2005

Hey... it's like the no. X time tt i'm not sleeping

miaow miaow... yeah, it's like my no. x times not sleeping in the night. I think I'm crazy, don't you think so? Haha... yeah, i'm crazy. don't you think so? I'm crazy, don't you think so? I'm crazy, don't you think so? Haha... I shall stop.

I think I started doing this in sec 3 or sec 4, when i had to stay up at night to do my homework. Haha... not that i don't have the time to do in the day, but just don't feel like doing it in the day, you know what i mean? Yeah... so I just stay up and do my work. My parents discourage this though, and they won't be happy to know that I'm still doing it now, sometimes. They think that I just sleep very late. Or shall i say that I think that's how they think, who knows. I've encountered quite a few incidents where my ma actually knows about what is happening just that she had been keeping quiet about it.

Was chatting with Mr. Whoopee before he signed off at about 4. Haha... he's like e only one who will be online until that time except for me. Haha... i think that my pa will go crazy when he sees the electricity bills. Oops... just got back the net what, can't help it. Sorry dad! I think that i'm so unfilial, doing all these stuff that will give my pa burden. I know that he loves me a lot but I'm always getting him mad. I think that he's rather unfortunate to have me as his daughter. Haha... I'm speaking the truth. I'm not a very good daughter.

Was watching Princess Diaries 2 for like, what, the fifth time or so? Yeah... it's a nice movie what. Haha... it's funny, sweet, and makes girls feel like being a princess too. Ha... ha... I'm like promoting the movie. Never mind, it's just a movie I think worth watching again and again. Just like I think that One Piece is worth reading again and again. The prince charming in this movie looks so much more decent than Michael Moscovitz in the first movie. That Michael Moscovitz totally let me down. Thought that he'll be some real shuai guy, but turn out to be just an ok-larz kind of guy. When i told my ma that this prince charming looks shuai, my ma disagrees and said that he looks too artificial. Which i think means shuai anyway. Haha... It's really very sweet... i like the music too. One particular music that is so nice. Ahhhhh...

Haha... it's already 6 am in the morning. Gotta go to college soon. I just hope that my pa is not awake to catch me using the com now. What's more, my not sleeping will make him mad again. Oops... Don't wake up so early... don't wake up so early.. don't wake up so early... don't wake up so early... here i go again... me and i siaoness... Haha...

I think that not many know about my blog yet... hmm... should let everyone know about it... Haha... think I'll tell those crazy frenz of mine some day. Oh... I just realise something. From 14 to 16 March, I won't be able to go online. Oh... haha... so don't bother to catch me online during those 3 days. Maybe I'll be online on the 16 since we're leaving aloha at 10++ am... hmm... see what happens.

It's getting late, I mean early. Haha... I still haven't complete my math tutorial 4. Oh no... I think that I'm supposed to present my questions today during the math tutorial. But I don't have transparencies with me. Haha... Think Mr. Francis Tan will lend me one to write my answer. Haha...

miaow miaow off before my pa finds out.

miaow miaow

Thursday, 24 February 2005

results releasing le!!!!!

Miaow!! Hehe... this is like the unknown time i set up a new blog. Ha... i keep forgetting my account name, so got a lot of accounts already. Haha... but i won't forget this account name as i had been using this for a long time already. Or, shall i say, hopefully i won't forget this account name. Ha... who knows.

The 'O' Level results are releasing on monday, which is like 4 days later? Haha... wonder how's my results. Don't think i did well. Oh... it's rumoured tt those who had received a letter asking them to be a teacher has an L1R5 score of a range of 15-20. Not sure if it's true or not. I didn't receive that letter though, so if it's true, then my results must be so bad that they don't want to ask me to join them teaching. Haha... heard 2 other things about this though. One is that they pick randomly, the other one is that they pick by prelim results. Haha... don't know what they're doing larz. Both involved someone calling the MOE to ask about it. Hmm... 3 years ago, when my brother is waiting for his results too, he had received that kind of letter too. His L1R5 was 18. Ha... what a coincidence right? That's why I don't know if the rumour is true or not.

Mama just called me!!!!!!! She's in America now, California if I'm right. Haiz... she's so smart, got 6 points for prelim. She's in a college studying business i think. Haha... Weird that we call her mama when she's actually a year younger than us. Yup! She's a year younger than us and she's in a college now. Haha... She just told me that the people in her college are mostly like what, people in their early 20s? Haha... I got this feeling that she will not get 6 points for her 'O's, but she will still do well. Think that she will get something like 8? It will be a single digit larz... Haha... She's so smart. I got 18 for prelim. 6 x 3 = 18. Haha... yup, 3 times of her L1R5, i know. It was 5.30 am there when she called me. She always wakes up early, totally the opposite of i. I'm always late for school, every day except for some rare occasions. Haha... I've been late since primary school. Think i got used to being late for school, that's why I don't really care. Always rushing in the morning. Haha...

My mum's in Taiwan now, she went there for holidays yesterday. When she returns, it'll be my brother's turn to go to taiwan. He's going there for intensive training again. Haha... NSman, too bad. Haha... better stop gloating now, haha... Then I'll be going to Aloha in changi with e T21 and gang. Actually, to be more accurate, it should be those who's always playing cards with us and always out with us. Haha... Tahe guys who are staying are all from cat hig, except for poor freddy. Haha... someone should lend fred his short pants to make him a short-panter too. Haha... But don't think they got his size right. Haha... Joking, joking. (to fred: haha... didn't scold you, just make fun of you only. Very good to you liao right? haha...) I look forward to march holidays due to that gathering. I think that it'll be quite fun. We've planned the activities some time ago, some are quite lame but still nice. Haha... Hope that everyone will enjoy themselves there.

After getting my results on monday, I think that i'll be going out with my dancemates. Pei Yi booked me yesterday, asking me if i can join the group to take lunch together. If it's possible, i think that i would want to eat in the school's canteen. The food is just so nice!!! i put on 10 kg during my 4 years in Crescent. Haha... but i only grew about 2 cm. The food is really very nice, besides the fact that things like nuggets, hashbrowns, ice cream are banned. Haiz... cgs cares A LOT about us what. Ha... Ha... Ha... I'm not suggesting or hinting anythings, please don't get the WRONG idea. :) Haha... I really miss the food in crescent!!!!!!!! Esp when the food here in YJC is like, haha... you know.

Ha... don't know if i should sleep or not. Haha... i'm always doing this. Whatever... haha... :P think i'll remove my lenses soon, my eyes are feeling uncomfortable already.

Miaow miaow