Saturday, 29 October 2005
there goes my charger
Due to the death of my handphone charger, my handphone will be switched off for quite a long time, mourning the death of its best friend. Till the next best friend is found, my phone would most probably be mourning all the time. So, please don't blame me for anything if I am unable to reply your message, receive your call etc. I apologise.
Enough of this mourning thing.
Got informed today by my CT that i'm actually shortlisted for the SMU advance placement programme. Basically, if i participate in this programme, I will be reading modules taught by SMU's top professors. And would then be able to use these modules as exemptions into SMU Business Courses.
What can I say.. I believe we are chosen by our CTs, or by our econs tutor. Well, for my case, they are the same. Hmm... I really wonder what makes my CT think that I'm so good. If it's during summer test, okay.. but this time, this promos, i failed econs!! didn't even get a 15/20 for MCQ.. sad case. Anyway, the seminar is about 3 hours after the school ends on 4 Nov, which means that I have to wait for 3 hours just to attend that seminar. Hmm.. that really makes me consider if I want to join or not. XD Well, basically I'm just worried that if i join this programme, I won't be able to cope with everything, UNLESS i buck up.. work harder.. but. but... but... i'm a lazy bum =( it's very hard to ask me to work, you know.. That's why, I'm wondering if i should participate or not.
While making the decision, of course, I think of many many things. The first thing that came into my mind was that i want to get into NTU's ADM course. So what's the use of this programme? However, i'm worried that I might not qualify for my dream course. So i'm thinking of joining this programme, then at least i'll have somewhere to go. But, like i've mentioned earlier, i'm worried that I won't be working harder, which means that i won't be able to cope at all. Sigh... But i still don't understand why she thinks that I'm smart.. she actually told my dad that i'm hardworking.. that's something that will drop my fellow crescentians' jaws. XD This shows that she doesn't know me well? haha.. i'm a sloth... SLOTH!!
Saturday, 22 October 2005
fatigue ==> slack
While blog-hopping today, I realised that quite some of them actually blogged on friday.. yesterday.. Hmm.. i didn't even touch the com yesterday. Was really really tired. Actually, i'm quite surprised that i can actually move today. I thought that i'll be totally immobile. XD Come, let me tell you what had happened... ... (it's quite boring actually =P)
Now, now.. let's see.. Wed and Thurs trained for e Sports events that took place yesterday. Actually, after Wed, My muscles had been hurting. So after thurs's training, I was very worried that I would be unable to run on friday. Well, but i ran. I slowed down for 4 by 100, when i was reaching pei han, but others were still quite fine, I think.. =X
K.. erm.. first ever time i ran so much? Haha.. last time, the most i ran was 100 m and 4x100 m. And at least these 2 events have a longer time in between for me to rest. Yesterday, I had to run 100 m, 4x100 m, and 10x50 m. Hmm.. actually e last event like never run leh.. coz I took quite a number of steps ahead, for fairness.. so I juz ran a few steps before passing the baton. =P Oh ya.. this is e first ever time that i had actually made it to the finals for 100 m. Hmm.. This shows that our college is quite pathetic? Eeks! Sorry.. didn't mean to. Or perhaps because last time we had more girls, more pros? Hmm.. Whatever. <-- XD fred muz be totally "you did tt on purpose!!" Come to that, I think you're the only one i know how to attack with words. XD whatever. whatever. whatever. whatever. you pissed off? =P Ha... oh.. but you know how to attack me too.. Hmm.. dangerous, dangerous. Oh ya.. you still say what.. wanna suck my literally bloody finger is it? XD haha... i dun wanna get your madness virus k. Later i die of madness arh.. hahaha.. k not funny -.- Yesterday was totally madness. The sports day, that is. Hmm.. we had 3 events yesterday.. and i ran for all 3. =X wonder what will happen if i join the cheerleading. I'll die of fatigue. Well, but i'll never join cheerleading, so it's fine. XD Guess you'll say running for 3 events shouldn't make me so tired right. Well, it'll be very tiring if you have muscle aches and you run for all 3 events. Not to forget, after Sports Day, I actually went for dance lessons at 8 pm.. haha. madness.. but i made the right choice, because i couldn't wake up today. Hur hur.. =P Oh oh oh .. what was so tiring about the sports day, is the fact that I juz sat down to drink and rest for a while, I heard "4 by 100 m, runners please report to Mr. XX and miss XX..." was totally sighing.. Haiz.. And come to think I was actually only supposed to run for 4 by 100 and 100 m. Coz of someone *ahem ahem* by the name of jo, kana fever.. Hmph! Not forgetting, I joined 3 events and i got nothing at all. Haha.. but it's expected larz.. Oh.. if someone had joined arh.. maybe we could have won something larz.. but *ahem ahem* stupid yuan yuan!! dun wanna join!! hmph! nx year I'll sign you up for everything i tell ya!! HMPH!!
basically, my day comprised of naruto and gunbound. Fred's not online to chat =( Well, it's a bit Haha.. to hear, but I enjoy chatting with you fred!! XD juz juz juz.. it's alright.. not all the time though. You can be irritating at times too.. so can i .. XD meanies rule!!!!!
Tuesday, 18 October 2005
18 0ct
Don't worry, not talking about my results.. haha.. e "not my day" is not abt bad results larz.. but i doubt it'll be any better. If i'm not lazy, i'll talk abt it tmr =). Erm.. what happened?
Went to TCC today to play badminton with kah yin, wai sze, and athena. Was wearing my new size 10 slippers (haha.. so big right..), and was walking to somerset station's bus stop. Was lucky! I just reached and the 190 bus was about to leave, but e bus driver saw me... so I got to take e bus. On e bus, aft i tapped my ez link card, i wanted to walk already, and my foot slipped off my slipper. Haha.. so malu. so i juz casually wear it back and walked. Well, I don't know why. Nowadays, if this kind of level of paiseh things happen, i won't really panick. I'll just do what I have to do, though i feel a little embarrassed, but it's quite fine. Guessed too many maluating things happened le.. hahaha..
second bad thing tt happened.. I reached TCC, went to e badminton court. After playing for a while, i choked on my on saliva, haha.. and started coughing.. coughed for a while, put down e racket, went to take a drink. haha..
then.. erm.. oh ya.. went to e petrol station nx door to buy drinks. I thought that i'll be thirsty enough, so i bought a 1.5 litre H20 thirst quencher, and a canned pokka carrot juice. THEN, haha.. while i was opening e can in e court, i felt tt my finger was hurting a little. Didn't really care about it at first, but when i lift it up to see where it is painful, i saw the tip of my finger red. Haha.. was stunned. hahaha.. i calmly showed my red finger to kah yin, and she said, "oh my god". >.< me ="D" jobs ="D" painful ="=""> paindul or paingul. Haha.. yeah.. quite hard for me to type fast now.. sigh..
Guess I'm in good mood these days. =) Until tomorrow, i guess.. haha.. bad things happened, but i'm still quite happy. That's good isn't it? Yes it is, i say yes, so yes!! >=d
Yesterday, this professor came from NTU to talk about arts, media and design in NTU. XD was so happy!! but it was quite stupid that they have it in the library, with a screen so small and we have to look over so many heads to see the little presentation. They should have it in an LT what.. this kind of thing is impt you know.. Well, so he talked about animation, photography etc etc. =D so happy!! was inspired. Now i want to go NTU take animation or sth like that larz.. hahaha.. but, i have to get through tmr morning >=] am taking back my results tmr.. HAiz.... hmm.. tt makes me think of sth..
Ever since, i don't know when.. but i remember in sec sch, before exams, my friends will always ask me whether i studied well already, because i always look very calm and unaffected by this "exam" at all. Well, I'm this kind of person, can't help it. I'll only get nervous when i'm inside the exam hall, sitting and waiting for the clock to tick to exactly XXXX hour. Haha.. Oh.. and when it comes to results, my friends are nervous too, but as usual, i'll look calm and totally unaffected. Maybe it's just my expressionless face. - . - <== forever like tt =P oh.. and always, i'll either be wanting my results back or it doesn't really matter if they return us. But my friends will be.. "oh no.. i don't want them back!!" kind of thing. haha.. it's not because i'm like e smartie hermione.. i just want to know how badly i had done.. when i did not really study or even worse, didn't study at all. =D You juz have to get use to me larz.. i'm quite mad ._o haha.. or, i'm very mad!! hahahaha.. haiz.. had typed so much, with my handicapped left hand.. haha.. it's really hard to type k!! muz appreciate that i typed so much eh.. =D not like you all will read until here actually.. =P haha.. anw, i'm glad that it's not my right hand that's handicapped. Or my thumb that has a great responsibility in my life, with many roles to play. When you injure your finger, you'll appreciate them more. You'll realise that all of them are important to you, crucial, and losing any one of them will affect your life. =) *nod nod* so remember to kiss them everyday and talk to them k =) even the teeny weeny ones!! Haha... non-sensical.. is there such word in the first place? oops.. =X GP dead le..
Monday, 17 October 2005
买了梁静茹从前的唱片,听她的歌,很舒服。她唱歌很好听,但是要唱她的个好难!因为她可唱得很高或很低,高水准。好难学唱!好想买她的新CD, 但没钱。谁向捐钱给我呢?哈哈。。。或直接买那专辑给我也好。 =)
感觉很贴切,很想我曾感觉过的那感觉。事实上,到现在,还是有点迷惑呀!但是,不论如何,时机不成熟吧!也许是他,也许是别人,也许谁都不是,就我一个人也说不定。世界上有很多未知数。重新读了Harry Potter, 发现了类似这样的一句话:what we fear is not death, but the unknown. 好像是,大概是这样吧。嗯。。。不完全记得啦。 其实,什么都顺其自然,不就很好吗?时机到了,一切便会揭晓。但是,又有那么一份不安,担心会后悔。或许,我的选择是所谓的顺其自然,又或许是我累了,想 好好休息。
听中学同学说,她看见某某同学与男友在一起。想想,现在好多的中学同 学都在交往吧!像大姐啊!哈哈。。。嗯。。。很奇怪。有时候,我会很羡慕,但是,我却又选择了不与他们走相同的路。我呢?其实,我真的有认真想过。有些时 候,我会渴望爱情,希望能够交往,但又有些时候觉得有了男友好想少了自由的感觉。茅盾的心情,矛盾的思虑,真想我啊!哈哈。。。顺其自然吗?嗯。。。就顺 其自然吧!
哎呀!要是未来的夫婿(哈哈)能陪我一起懒懒散散的过日子,但又不愁 吃不愁穿,该有多好啊!毕竟,我也是懒猪转世的呀!每天就躺在草地上,看着天空,感觉那微风吹在脸庞,听着那北风吹过的树叶“沙沙”的声音,听着身旁的人 的心跳声,呼吸声,安安静静的睡去,不被谁打扰。晚上也能看星星!
Saturday, 8 October 2005
blue blue blue
something that i had written some time ago, some time after i started to like blue. I think that it ended a little abruptly, don't you think so? Anyway, so far i've only received a comment about this Blue thing.. haha.. i sent it to fred forcefully >.<.. hahaha.. so he read and told me that he likes the first one. Hmm.. see if your taste is good enough to like it or not .. ^_^ haha.. well.. juz something that i wrote larz.. tell me your comments k =)
Personality Test
Naruto Personality Test: Which Evil Naruto Character Are You?
Your results are in! You're not very stable up there and you're quite a psychopath. But you weren't always like that. Long ago, you innocently searched for love but people feared you as you could not control the power in you. You lost all hopes of receiving love when even your most precious person tried to assasinate you... Now living only for yourself, you are Gaara of the Sand. Oh yah, your best friend is probably a gourd.
Gaara the Metal Worker
In real life you have a great affinity with sand and metal. You love the beach and loved playing with sand since young. You like building sand castles at the beach and most possibily you might be a gourd maker when you retire. You are also likely to be in the construction industry or you will be involve with metal works.
Likely occupations: (Metal Worker)
Metal workerConstruction related
Gourd maker
Sand trader
Gourd Artist
It's a lil lame though.. but nvm of coz.. it's gaara!! gaara!! gaara!! XD muahaha..
