YAY! Though I don't have a scanner at home, my bro has his digi-cam. But i never knew how to control e flash and e macro thingy, so i seldom touch it. But just now, I suddenly felt like taking pictures of my drawings. It all started with e present that I'll be giving my friend as a birthday present. I kinda like it, so I thought I should take it down before it's gone! Haha... So in the end my bro came back to teach me more on how to operate his camera :)
In short, enjoy the pictures :)

2 shots of the birthday present.
(my friend doesn't visit my blog.. so it's ok to post it :P)

While trying out the colour combi, I doodled a little. And i think it's quite cute. haha... 

This one is a third drawing done after being inspired by alex noriega :) He made me spend so much time drawing in the school library when i'm supposed to mug up!! It looks kinda empty. I had intended to draw some more things inside, but well, lazy. The engine stopped after I've reached this stage.

This is my third attempt in sketching real life ppl. Why didn't I complete it? Because the hair's too Urghh.. to draw. And i drew the whole thing in the school library again. :P My way of making use of the school library!

Well, my bro wants to use e com. So i can't upload anymore (and it takes such a long time to upload coz the file's big. But i'm lazy to shrink them anw :P). So, now that you've taken a peek at my sketchbook 2, comments please? :)
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