Friday, 6 October 2006

Clear the fog pls!

I miss you-know-who(or to some of you, you-don't-know-who) quite often these days... And i bet i'm gonna miss him even more soon... Sigh... can everything be less fogged? can it just be clearer? And singapore's reacting to my current state, getting foggy eh.. k lame.

Can you just make everything clearer?
I thought in the good way... and the bad way...
my friends thought in the good way.... and the bad way...
Can you just, show more?! Even if you don't like me, just show more so that I'll know!! It's all so blur now..

Everything's so confusingly confusing that it's confusing my already confused mind! Are you confused too? Haha...



You don't know and I can't blame you for that, because... you don't know. Haiz...

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