Sunday, 10 December 2006


Just watched the documentary called "Short". Well you see, my family's relatively tall for East Asians so we don't understand how short people feel. Wah.. that sounds kinda mean. Anyway, I planned to watch it coz it seems interesting and yeah, it proved to be interesting. And you people who think that you're short, be thankful! You know how short is short? There's the 1% population with people around the height of 130 cm when they're 14, and mind you, they're guys! And I've been complaining about the 3 cm that I need to reach my dream height!

It seems like height matters more to guys, I mean, height issues are more important when talking about guys. There's this kinda typical situation where girls like tall guys and guys like shorter girls, I'm not saying everyone of course. Guys are supposed to be the strong figures who support and protect, and height seems to be an area of concern here. Well, as a female, I do admit that I look at guys height too. Haha.. and for my height (which is considered tall in Asia), height matters A LOT!! Which is kinda sad coz guys in Singapore are kinda short. Haha... The average height is above 170, taller than me but doesn't seem to be tall enough. Well, but i guess that's just an ideal since *ahem* someone's not that tall anyway! Haha...

Now a question for the girls, will you be able to date someone shorter than you? And I don't mean like 3 cm shorter, I mean like, 10 cm shorter kinda shorter. Will you be able to do that? Okay, erm.. you might think it impossible to find a guy that short, oops! hahaha.. but just imagine. For me, I doubt it'll be easy to do such a thing. Not looking down on short guys since it's really the inner self that matters more, but I doubt I can say that I will date a guy shorter than me. Is this considered as discrimination?

People like to be tall, why? Since I was a little kid, it seems like we're always competing to see who's the tallest, who's grown taller etc And several kids like me would be envied coz of our height. Is is really good to be tall? Well, statistics have proven that tall people on average get a higher pay than the average height people. Heh! Sounds great to me. Especially in business, tall people seem to have a certain advantage. But what's bad about being tall? I can list a few, I guess:

1. You just stick out (which can be good or bad, depending on situations)
2. Sometimes if you're not careful, you'll be attacked by all sorts of things hanging eg. branches, advertising boards, or the ring handle in trains.
3. In many situations, you either have to bend your knees or bend your body more than usual (like when you're taking pictures with friends). And guess what, for a dancer like me, I have to bend a lot lower than usual for some actions because we need to be in sync! Which means, more work for me to do!

Erm... can't think of much now, and don't feel like typing anymore. Oh one update about me, I've got muscleaches and they really ACHE!! Eeks! Having muscleaches really make you realise how much work you're putting on your different muscles in simple actions such as getting yourself up in the morning and out of your bed, or just sitting on the toilet bowl and standing up after you're done.

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