Monday, 21 November 2005

The famous boot licker - Combalala

once upon a time, there was a guy called Combalala. Combalala is not poor, he has sufficient money to buy himself nike, puma, adidas, converse, billabong... ... and the list goes on.. just stuff that are expensive, but not to the extent of chanel and prada. Thought Combalala is quite well-off, he is certainly not satisfied. So he got himself a job...

Combalala chose to shine others' boots for a "living". He researched on them many ways of shining boots, and he came to a conclusion:

The best way to earn his billabong is to lick others' boots. It doesn't matter whether licking is the best way to shine the boots. As long as you lick their boots, they'll be happy to help you with your billabong and nike. =)

So.. Combalala became a famous bootlicker. Sometimes, he licked e wrong boots, awww.. too bad. However, he will always turn back when he realise that. Some other times, he was a little late to lick the boots, that the people will no longer be happy to help him with his billabong.

As Combalala became more and more famous, he attracted more and more people to him. Of course, not the people with boots. The people with boots for him to lick don't usually find him, because he will always find them =D. He attracted a lot of people whom ended up beating him to dust.

So, Comabalala died as he became specks of dust.

-The end-

This is literature with horrible language. =) Some of you will be talented enough to understand, but i doubt there are many of you who can do so =). For those who do not understand, it's ok. It's better that you dun understand. Don't want to pollute your innocent minds (if you do have an innocent mind, that is xD)

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