Friday, 30 June 2006

super friday!!

Super Duper!!
Whoo~ I'm gonna love love LOVE friday!!
Am so glad to see Smallville and Charmed back, and at the same time! On the same day!! That adds on to the Whooo-ness. :D Friday's gonna be tv day from now on :) Super friday's cool! yeah!
Oops.. i'm getting a little high ain't i. Haha.. can't help it. I just love them :) But that will also mean that if i had something on and can't go for dance lessons on saturday, i gotta miss theses nice shows and attend lessons on friday night :( Unless, I'm gonna be a lazy bum and juz skip dance :) Hahaha..
And next friday, there's one more show adding on to the friday night Whoooo~'s, Ghost Whisperer!! It seems nice :) Yay!
Wonder how am i gonna concentrate on my studies. Wonder how i'm gonna get my ABC for 'A's, :X

Thursday, 29 June 2006

award-winning film spree

While everyone's busy mugging up for prelim 1, or block tests, guess what i was doing. Yeah.. i tried to do the same, but i just can't do it. So, in the end, besides the usual playing, I went to borrow vcds from the library. I went on an "award-winning films" spree!! :D But I've only reached the second one. Gonna talk abt the movies today.

The first one i watched was a russian film called "The return". 2 brothers were living with their mother and grandmother. One day, their father returned, suddenly. According to him, he came back because his wife told him that he should. He brought his sons on a trip. They were supposed to head for this waterfall, but they end up everywhere else. :P For what reasons, i have no idea! The elder son accepted the man as his father immediately, but not the younger one. The young one felt that their father didn't love them at all, and that he might even be killing them. Well, as an audience, while watching, I thought that he didn't love them too.

Their final destination ended up to be an island (where there's no waterfall to be seen at all. o.O) and the 2 boys had asked to go fishing on the boat, so the father handed the elder son his watch and told him to return at 3. In the end, the young one requested to stay out longer, and the elder brother agreed, though he was reluctant at the beginning. In the end, they returned at 7. Imagine how the father was like. >.<>

The young one couldn't stand it anymore and after doing some shouting at his father, he ran off. Guess the father was worried, so he followed the young one, running after him. The young one climbed up the tower and shut the top entrance so that his father won't be able to get to him. He then threatened that if his father was not going away, he will jump down. He's actually afraid of heights, so can you imagine how distressed he was? Anyway, he really climbed to the top and was seriously thinking of jumping. Suddenly, a pair of hands appeared on one of the wood surrounding the top of the tower, it was his father. Out of desperation, he had climbed from the outside. Out of love, he wanted to save his son. The wood was loose, and so he fell all the way down. He died.

Not gonna continue the story, just that when he died, i was stunned. Eh.. probably i didn't expect that to happen. It's so sudden! and i was totally like "huh?". Oh anyway, i don't really understand what the director's getting at. He mentioned somethings in the movie, but didn't continue to reveal them. Like the waterfall.

Next movie that i watched today, is "Whale Rider".

'One girl dared to confront the past, change the present and determine the future.'

"In a small New Zealand coastal village, Maori claim descent from Paikea, the Whale Rider. In every generation, a male heir has succeeded to the chiefly title. The time is now. When the twins are born, and the baby boy dies. Grief-stricken, the father leaves the surviving baby girl to be raised by her grandparents. The chief, Koro, also the girl's grandfather, is convinced that the tribe's misfortunes began at Pai's birth and refused to acknowledge Pai as the inheritor of the tradition and claims she is of no use to him. Pai loves Koro more than anyone in the world, but she must fight him and a thousand years of tradition to fulfill her destiny."

Well, firstly, i have to say that this movie made me shed a whole bucketful of tears. I'm amazed by how the girl doesn't even need to say her feelings out and i'll feel sad for her. I cried more than she did in the show. Haha.. This one is really worth watching! DO WATCH IT!! :)

Of course, it has a happy ending! I thought that she was going to die, but she didn't!! :D she survived but ended up in the hospital. That scene, made me feel relieved. Because Koro was sitting by Pai, who was unconscious. Around her neck, was the whale's tooth, only to be worn by the chief. Koro has finally acknowledged her. Why? What happened? Hahah... go watch it then :) Juz kidding. One night, the whales were found on the shore. If they don't leave, they will die. Koro and co. chanted and tried to push the leader of the whales into the waters so that the rest will follow. But while they were trying to do that, the whale slammed its tail hard on the ground, refusing to be moved. The rope broke. Everyone left, thinking that they should take a little rest and come back later to try again.

Koro had disallowed Pai to touch the whale when she approached it. She left the group and stood somewhere further, looking at the scene. Now that everyone has left, she went back to that whale, and touched it, greeted it. She then climbed on top of it, and tried to talk the whale into going back to the waters. She kicked it lightly while doing so, patting and stroking it's skin. The whale actually did attempt to propel itself back to the sea. By the time the group was back, the whale was gone. They thought that it had died, and they cried. In the end, they saw her sitting on the surface of the sea. She was riding the whale. She was the whale rider. Koro looked at her with a worried look, so did everyone else. She spoke softly, telling Koro that it's ok, but Koro couldn't hear her of course. She followed the whale until the whale dived deeper and deeper, and she could no longer hold her breath. While diving with the whale, there was this dialogue, "I wasn't afraid to die... "Finally she let go of the whale.

Bah.. whatever. It's really nice. It's a must-watch! It won a lot of awards too :)

Sunday, 25 June 2006


Today, is the day before math paper 1.
Hmm.. and what have i been doing? eeps! >.<>
Only managed to borrow the missing notes that i need today. Rushed through, copying madly like a mad fred (oops.. ). Copied a lot of vectors.. actually... copied almost everything of vectors since that's e one that i need. as for differentiation.. hmm.. nothing much. Sigh.. this lazy friend didn't even bother to copy the things he missed from his friends, so i couldn't revise further curve sketching :( but i can't blame him coz i'm e one who lost the notes.. *cry* It's my own stupid fault, losing that book of notes. Notes!! come back to mama!!
Wonder what's wrong with me. A headache actually gone on from last night till noon today!! But i feel better now after sleeping for another 2 hours. Actually i could've spent more time reading through e impt parts of the notes that i didn't copy, but i kinda dread staying there, feel like going home... So in the end, i gave up reading through graphs and returned the notes. I need more time to go through all those stuff. :( Guess i really need to borrow and photocopy. Haiz.. Haiz..
Life's boring now. EXTREMELY boring... it's always attempting to study. Then getting so sad that i'm actually attempting to study. This doesn't really apply to math though.. For math, i'm sad that I actually can't go through one whole paper without looking at my notes or the solution booklet. *pouts* I'M A LOSER!!
But never mind, i shall jia you! jia you! jia yoU!
I realised that I don't think of him that much now. I still do, sometimes, but not that often anymore. I hope that this will go on. Forget him for good! :) wish me luck! This is gonna be a hard process...

Wednesday, 21 June 2006

Back to crez dance June 06 PHOTOS!!

Managed to grab some photos from Junie =) But seems like most of them are blur.. Well.. Haha..

Haha... from the left, it's Peiyi. Some background knowledge... commonly known as lizard, is also the president of the Sweaty Palms Society (SPA)

Next is ME! commonly known as Xiao Hei, name given by Mr. Loh (Modern Dance instructor in crez. WE LOVE HIM!!! :D). It started as charcoal, to xiao hei. He even made attempts to change my name as i got older, to Da Hei, Yin Du Ren and all... but he's just too used to xiao hei xD. I'm also the ruler of Hei Ren Guo!!
Last person is Junie. Her name (by lao shi changed from 13 dots to lao sai de xD). She's a blur creature. The cannot turn to much coz will faint one. Haha...
Look at all the dead bodies!! xD With one arm up. hahaha.. we've all done that back in crez dance. We know what's gonna come once laoshi says the word "imagine" when we're lying down. Shan't tell you! xD
Hmmm.. my comments abt e juniors arh, erm.. they're not moving enough, they are all so dead. Their actions need to be really REALLY BIG BIG BIG!!!
Not that we're being mean or anything like tt, letting poor peiyi not show her beautiful smile. xD Haha.. Junie just suddenly want to take picture with me, then peiyi juz suddenly came over too. So.. <-- That's the end result
And look at the contrast in skin colours. now you know why i'm called xiao hei!
The background's our school stage. I love to lie on the stage floor and sleep. xD
These 2 pictures, they really bring back a lot of memories. Looking at all the mats, I can remember all the flippings, turnings, Jumpings, and many other wonderful and exciting experiences, not forgetting also the many bruises
Remember how lao shi so suddenly grabbed (and i mean grab) me and my friend away from our other friends, to teach us frontwalk. Felt so "OH NO!!" back then.. but now, i feel honoured.
Remember how the senior who was supposed to supervise our frontwalk (while lao shi's doing other stuff) do all the funny funny things but still remain as a scary image in my memory. hahaha..
Remember how when i just got into crez dance as a sec 1 kid, more flexible than most of them coz of my outside training, being said to be like Diana(but she's even more flexible. eeks~).
Hmm.. all these memories really make me miss crez dance a lot. Haha..

Tuesday, 20 June 2006


唉~ 说得容易,做的难呀!
哈哈。。。 其实,
It's time to plan how i'm going to make use of my extremely limited time to study!!
23 June (Friday) Chinese A full paper >.<
I only have wednesday and thursday to study for chinese.. Gotta really study!
26 June (Monday) Mathematics paper 1
Sigh... lost my notes. Gonna focus on paper 1 only. That means, i'm not gonna revise probability and stats as yet. Hmm... should be doing math while studying chinese.. but gotta share with econs after chinese. AHHHH!!
27 June (Tuesday) Economics paper 3
What a bad paper... ESSAYS!! That means i have no choice but to try my best to read through all my notes. To read through and not study, because i'm a dumbo to not study earlier.
28 June (Wednesday) Mathematics paper 2
Target on paper 2 lorz...
29 June (Thursday) Economics paper 1 and 2
Look at TYS MCQ. If I manage to dig out my tutorials, read my DRQs and learn from mistakes.
Sigh.. what a boring life.

Saturday, 17 June 2006

lost my phone

I lost my phone...
and there's nothing much i can say.
I just lost it.
That's it.
It's lost now, and cannot be found.
I'm sad... so sad...
I called my number,
no one picked up..
i called again and again...
soon, it no longer rings.
That person must've removed my sim card.
Sigh... not that my phone's very expensive and exquisite whatsoever... it's the contacts inside, and the photos taken!! :( And my papa's reactions only made me feel a million times worse... he didn't scold like mad, but the way he said it, as if i lose phones all the time. Sigh.... wonder how my mum's gonna react to this incident.
The man from bishan interchange said that he'll call me if he found it, but it's been half an hour already, guess there isn't hope.
The funny thing's that piggy was asking me yesterday or the day before yesterday, when does my plan end, and what phone model am i getting... look at what happen now!! AHHH~ I'm not happy... so unhappy!!
Besides losing a phone, my math notes cannot be found too. That's 2 terms worth of notes..
Just asked my dad something, and the way he replied... the way he replied... :'(
What with all the stress, all the sadness, all the horrible feelings felt when i lost my phone, i have to endure the cold treatment from my dad.. and i think my mum too, when she comes back. I know it's my fault, but i do feel bad too. It's not like i don't care whether i lose my phone or not... I'm sad alright.. i'm very sad.. :(

Tuesday, 13 June 2006

a similar yet different experience

Finally gone back to visit crez dance yesterday. Finally got to see lao shi again. =) Going back as a senior is a different experience... there's less pressure, more freedom, but also there's something missing... the kind of excitement and sth like the sense of belonging. It's probably because we no longer participate in those dances... no longer know who's who since we've never even seen them before.. Many things have changed, yet many things have remained the same. Going back as a senior though is a different experience, still doesn't feel all that different. It brings back many memories, and i mean many. I really, really miss those times there. Those were my happiest time of my life. Though it can be quite demanding and tiring, it's what I like to do. It brings back many tears and smiles at the same time, not forgetting laughters.
Was feeling quite fine in the morning. Sneezed and sniffed as usual when i woke up, just that it went on for the whole day, gone on till now still. Haha.. yeah i'm ill. Guess i played too much yesterday, after some time, i feel my head throbbing. That was when i stopped and rested. Joined them for the nightline at night, but left before it ended because i needed to catch a bus home. Quite funny, graduated from crescent 2 years ago and it's my first time climbing over the school gate.
Erm.. lao shi was of course teaching them some dance steps and all.. while he was teaching this particular part, sally, peiyi and i suddenly decided to learn too. xD So we joined them behind. Glad that I still can follow their pace. Even more glad to know that I'm still kinda better than them. xD Laoshi actually said that the 3 of us danced better than all the rest of them. But laoshi always like to do that to those learning e dance, so well, can't really be trusted. Haha... Juniors asked to watch the 3 of us dance but laoshi said not enough time. Think laoshi dun want us to throw face bah. :P
Sad that he's like ignoring me, esp when i'm not feeling well. Sigh.. guess it can't be helped.

Sunday, 11 June 2006


Blah... Finally going back to crez dance tmr =) YAY!! But actually, there's supposed to be econs consultation tmr arh.. Hmm.. but mel tried to postpone it le, so i think it's fine larz. :P anw, my library book's super duper overdued le lorz.. sigh.. gotta pay a lot bah..
Didn't sleep last night. Didn't sleep at all. What had i been doing? Wrote a letter to my friend, designed the envelope, read comics, and for the rest of the time, i had been stoning. It's just... like... in the midst of whatever i'm doing, i'll just suddenly go blank. Then after some time of stoning, i'll continue doing what i was doing. Haha...
Had been wondering why i didn't sleep. Is it because.. I just can't sleep? Or is it because I don't want to sleep? Hmm.. no idea. I guess it's more of I don't wanna sleep bah. Anw, i slept at 5 e previous night, and woke up at abt 3 pm. So... well... Haha... I'm quite sleepy now actually.
Went to great world extremely early since i didn't sleep. Had an exciting experience chasing and hiding from e cockroach in e toilet. :P Left house at 8.30 am bah... so rare. Can go buy toto le. Realised that great world's quite nice in the morning... very quiet. I like.. :D Haha... i don't like the crowd in great world... Well actually, i don't like crowd anywhere larz.
Today's not exactly a good day. Things didn't go my way. Many things didn't go my way. Nearly cried again, just now when my mom was scolding me for something. Didn't though. I felt really down, but i guess there isn't enough water in me to cry bah.
I miss Laoshi.. i miss all the dance experiences in crescent, in buona vista cc, and in PA. i miss dancing with my friends. miss the mad trainings for SYF... miss my happy self. miss being loved... miss him... Bah.. forget it.
Well, i'm glad e juniors are still gonna play nightline :) That's a tradition in crez dance. It's a muz play!!

Thursday, 8 June 2006


Hate this time of the month.. though it's not necessarily a month. Bahhh.. hate it! hate it! hate it! But i'm glad it came now and not later =)
Thinking that i'll be writing more? Nope.. xD I have nothing much to type today.. juz came here to say that i hate this time of the month because i really hate it!!
Hmm... anything else arh?
He still doesn't come and find me. That's a lil sad. =/

Wednesday, 7 June 2006

The Omen

Watched The Omen with piggy today... It's not bad. Go watch it. =)
I'm glad it's not 6 june today... coz i actually was left with $6.60 after buying the tickets.. and before my kor kor returned me 20 bucks. >.<" So creepy.. haha.. talk about creepy.. some of the scenes are quite O.O coz they are so SO sudden.. well, they are meant to scare us mah. xD
Walked home alone.. along the river as usual. Dark of course, realised that it's kinda scary to see e foreign labourers while i'm walking alone there.. but well.. i'm black black, they're black black.. hopefully we won't see each other. xD haha.. oops.
Not a very efficient day today. Today's not a studying day. But i'll stay up late tonight to study. I hope I will study. >.<
Just remembered that i haven't been practising on e fan. eeks.. eeps.. gotta practise soon, real soon. But i doubt i will. xD

Tuesday, 6 June 2006

a lil down

Don't know why.. i'm a little down recently.. Fine. Maybe it's more than just a little.
Decided to watch da chang jing some days ago... to finish it. Watched.. and cried... Well.. there are many sad parts, and parts that'll make you feel so touched, parts that are so lovey dovey in the sweet sweet way... they all made me cry. Finished the book i borrowed from the sch library, "man and boy" by tony parsons --hope i didn't remember wrongly -- and there are many parts that made me cried too. Like when the grandad died... when harry had to part with his beautiful boy, when cyd left harry... ... ... they all made me tear.
And the thing about my mum raising her voice... Haha... just now, i got so irritated just because my bro spoilt my plan by using my study area... Then while watching tv, i'm suddenly reminded of him. Hate it when things don't go the way i want them to. Hate it!
Don't know why. I suddenly told myself that I should stop talking about him in my blog. Then, i'm reminded of the time i promised not to talk about him anymore... ha.. look at what i've been doing all this while? broke my promise totally. So i kinda promised myself again to stop blogging about him, but i'm not sure if it'll be an empty promise again. I really don't know.
Well... it took me about one hour last night to sleep. I slept after 3, btw. I dreamt a sweet dream, really nice. It was about a guy, that i hoped was him... that guy was nobody i know.. just a guy. He was very nice to me. What did he do? How did he look like? I don't remember at all. I only rememberd that it's a good dream with someone nice to me. I only rememberd that when i woke up from tt dream, i was hoping that he can be that guy who treats me so well in my dreams. So, though it's a good dream, it still made me kinda sad when i woke up.
Everything's all over. It's time I learn to let go. Quoting 'man and boy', "Love means knowing when to let go". And something i read in e chain email from a friend of mine, "it takes a minute to have a crush, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone. But it takes a lifetime to forget."
This is just one painful part of my life. I know that in the near future, i'll be having a good laugh at how i used to suffer liking someone who can never be mine and who will never be there for me. Though i know that, right now, it's too painful.

Monday, 5 June 2006

why bother?

someone complained that i didn't update my blog.. so here goes. Well, of course i don't just blog because someone asked me too. I sorta do wanna blog, somehow.
Went to great world at a much later time than usual today. I woke up intending to reach there before 12 because that's sorta like the peak period, and it always seem to rain around that time. -_-" I didn't go in the end because my parents came home at 12++ and i know that they expect me to finish my food before leaving. So, i decided not to go. Well, it was partly due to my mum too. She was being a little harsh and raised her voice for nothing serious enough to make any mother raise her voice. Perhaps i'm stressed, perhaps i'm moody enough, perhaps i was thinking of all my troubles at that time... once she raised her voice, i could feel my tears coming out, like now. Not like i didn't try to fight them back. I did! I looked away, trying to act as if i'm curious about this plastic that flew down to the ground, or the clock on the wall. For a moment, i thought that i did well fighting them back, but she raised her voice once more and i concluded that I wasn't that well after all.
Went to the toilet in my room while my brother's ending his game, preparing to leave for brunch. Locked myself inside, squat down and cried quietly. Not as quiet as i would wish, but as quiet as i could. I seriously had no idea why I cried. Not like it's the first time she raised her voice for nothing, not like it's the first time that i find it unfair. I really wondered why I cried. Why was i crying? Stress? Him? Me? Or everything? Or nothing at all? Why?
Went to great world in the end because junie asked me out to eat potato at great world, and study at macs.
Realised that he really doesn't care. He doesn't care at all! I know that i shouldn't see too much into things, but I really can't help but feel that he seriously doesn't care! He doesn't care about me, he doesn't care about what i've got to say, he doesn't care about how i'm feeling, he doesn't care about what i'm doing... he just doesn't care! And why should he? When i mean nothing to him. Nothing at all... When i least expect him to appear, he just pops out of nowhere... and the sadness just gets deeper and deeper.
It used to be that i see hope everywhere, and i mean everywhere. And now? now?? All the hopes are gone. They're nowhere to be seen. And me? I don't know what's become of me. I can be perfectly fine one day, feeling that well it's nothing much actually... but i can be really down at times, thinking so so much... hurting myself even more. I was alright yesterday, I was. Serious. But just not today. Today's a touchy day... today's a day when i'm fragile, when i get hurt easily... when it's so easy to make me cry.
Well i just have to accept the fact that i mean nothing to him. It's a painful fact that i have to accept. Perhaps i meant something to him at first, but not now... not ever... What's the sad thing about this whole thing? Though he doesn't feel anything towards me, but i do. That's the sad thing.
Why did things end up like that?
Why am i so weak all of a sudden?
I wonder why I bother so much when it all meant nothing to him at all. Why do i bother when I mean nothing to him. why? WHY? All because i like him... all because i like him? I feel so forlorn all of a sudden. I feel so useless... so dumb. I'm no longer who i used to be, who i am supposed to be. All because i like him?
Once again, I feel that he's ignoring and avoiding me. Just that this time round, I'm even more sure than before. It's nice knowing that there are people around me who are concerned. But it's not that nice knowing that he's not one of them. It's not nice at all.

Friday, 2 June 2006


stop bullying my dajie or you will never get a good life!! I'll go fight you! and i'll ask my friends to beat you up!!
Nah.. i'm not that violent, that's just to show how unhappy i am with that JERK!! who bullied my dajie. Haha.. anw, he doesn't read my blog, so i'm safe.. phew... hahahahaha.. but once again, he can't do anything even if he reads my blog. If he does sth, it'll juz prove that he IS that jerk who bullied my dajie. So well.. too bad.. aww so sad..
anw, dajie, you muz be strong and... strong. xD There's really nothing much that we can do for you, you just have to be strong and overcome this yourself. =) But i promise that i'll be there for you, always, if i have the time. Haha.. You can call me if you have any problems, I'll listen to you no matter what. I'll listen to you even when i'm very sad too. You can pull me away if i'm having lessons, i will be most delighted to pon class. =D Oops... hahaha.. well, i guess you're bound to be bullied since you're so nice.. I'm the opposite. =P
Do learn to forget... this is sth that i have to learn too. To forget. It sounds really easy especially when it comes to homework and exams... but it's really difficult when it comes to relationships. When talking about relationships, i mean friends, lovers, family, sisterly affections like dajie and me (*puke*)... ... yep.. all those relationships. It's so hard to break ties, so hard to just.. forget.
I'm still slacking every day. This is bad. Just received an email that computron's extended its deadline. but well.. i didn't even do anything! Sigh.. and the new deadlines is 2 days later. pfft.. never mind. I shall wish my fellow schoolmates good luck! xD
Am crazy about mayday now... always listening to their songs. Realised that there are some other songs with lyrics sooooooooo real!! Hahaha... learnt a new word yesterday from fred the walking dictionary + online dictionary + handphone dictionary. Hahahah... euphemisim!! I hope i didn't spell it wrongly.
Got my birthday present from piggy yesterday... it's a cat about books!! I mean, a book about cats!! Hey i didn't fake that typo up there ok.. i just didn't bother to "backspace" it, hoping that you all will laugh at it. See i'm so nice, make you all laugh, or at least smile. =D anw, that book's funny.. though there are quite a significant number of vulgarities inside, with its book title "PUSSY", they are all for fun, so i'm alright. =) I didn't bash the book.. neither did i burn it. xD
No more creative juice for stickman... perhaps they only come out when i'm sad. Well.. too bad then. i'm not sad now!! Bwahahaha..

Thursday, 1 June 2006

You were never there for me

You were never there for me when i needed you.
But, you don't even know that i need you in the first place. Haha... never mind.
Sometimes, I really really wish that you were there for me! I really wish that you are the someone right beside me... but life's never this easy for me. Life's never this easy for anyone. And that's just life...
回家的路上。。。 已是九点了。天色已暗,而我跟以往一样,自己一个人走回家。走着走着,前面是一对情侣,于是我放慢了脚步,尽量离他们远一点,给予他们个人空间。我在想,是那个男的在送那女生回家吗?还是,那女生在送那男生回家呢?还是,他们只是刚好经过要到别的地方去呢?突然,我想: 要是有一天,你能陪我走那段路,送我回家,那该有多好。
为什么我始终忘不了这短短的 “单恋” ? 